The entire universe emanates a clear invocation of nature appreciation
The pulsation of the breath of the universe is vibrant and alive
Luminous royal sun flames majestically burn away mysterious cumulous clouds revealing thin blowing branches that provide a sacred resting place for stoically perched songbirds
Vibrant yellow wildflowers scarcely speckle the emerald green shaded grasses
Like an Incan rock wall, our community has foundations planted resolutely into the earth, intimately weaved together like a complex jigsaw puzzle, each rock embracing its fundamental neighbours unconditionally
Savasana sunsets blend hues of blue and pink into the infinite horizon
Mountainous formations speak with dramatic eloquence, responding to the rhythmic songs of the gusting wind; both eventually are muted by the dynamic dance of the roaring thunder
Deep in the heart of this Costa Rican land, the sacred space opens the soul, allowing us to respect our co-dependency
Flowing with the breath, the natural exchange of carbon dioxide from within for outside oxygen produces a fully present awareness
Each stride is precious and intentional, sensing the left foot lift, glide, and settle, as the right foot bestows a steadfast foundation
Smiling ardently, we are challenged to soar like a condor, while holding strong to our core
Pristine glacial waterfalls reflect in passionate eyes
Strong winds inflate expansive lungs with sweet, freshly scented mountain air
Alive, our hearts are wide open
We are Peaceful, Balanced, and Free
We look upon everything as filled with God
We pause with thanks and gratitude to experience analogue living in a digital world
Sowing seeds of intention, we cultivate priceless treasures and vastness of perspectives; all aligned with the serenity life has to offer
Creating spaciousness allows us to generate acceptance and patience
Honouring our union with all of life
Absorbing the healing potency of genuine concentration, we courageously choose to be still
Trusting fully in nature and humanity, we bathe in the auspiciousness of sacred harmony
Through mindfulness we celebrate the sheer exquisiteness of every discovery
Meditation clears the mind and dedication prepares the soul
Nutritious fruits infuse Prana into our being
Each muscle fiber is engaged, confirming the highest intention
A river of sweat engulfs the physical body
This is action in inaction
Chanting mantra
Practicing Tantra
Yoga enables us to line up with the pulsation of life to bring more joy into each day, opening our channels
Motivation is the fruit
Discipline and Union
Ascending higher to greater elevations
Connected creatively with love
Laboring to build community
Working collectively to spread de-light
Practicing loving kindness we develop connections so deep on the cellular levels of our being
Like flowers growing with an intrinsic order and then blossoming into their own unique expression of splendor, we follow the principles of our teachers, knowing their tried and tested ways will allow us to know true happiness
Bliss and peace are contagious, like the chanting of the music that is so elegantly gifted to us
Through practice, dedication, conversation, and contemplation we align with the Shakti
Balance is a moment in the dance of the waves
We are all truly beautiful at the core
We want freedom from pain and suffering to celebrate and glorify life to affirm its blessings
As a community we skillfully learn to line up with the auspiciousness of everything
We can experience the free through the limited, the infinite through the finite
Even when there is pain we choose the highest, a clear and dignified spirit
Through expanding awareness natural delight arises
We clearly transform through intention
One door closes and another opens
Appreciating solstice stillness dawn to dusk, darkness allows us to value light
Maintaining our center the energy becomes stronger and our sensitivity augments
Through compassionate service we motivate for positive social change in the world
Through consistent practice with regularity and devotion we line up with our Dharma
Can you taste the moment?
Pause and get thoroughly meaningful
Filled of awareness
Drink it in
Savor the breath
Every movement is worshipful, elegant, and artful
Giving thanks for the miracle of this splendid universe
Caring smiles and affectionate pats on the back sanction us to breathe Divine love
Tears of joy dispense rainwater that sustains life
Conversations and flowers bloom
Enchanting the senses to mature
Each step is a stride of peace
Delving into an intense Yoga practice
The true mind is revealed
Liberated from distraction
Victoriously uprising expansion of the energy of the breath
Blessings offered into the sea of Grace
Divine bliss
Deep and pure
Smiling at all of life
Meditating with compassion
Working tightly with the community
One United Spirit is
The astral body radiates mindfulness
Surrendering to Mother Nature
The essence of tranquility is finding freedom in action
Embracing the joy of existence itself
Celebration of the heart
Staying present in each wonderful moment
When we attune ourselves with Supreme Consciousness, joy naturally arises within us
With light and love we realize sustainability is God’s work through us
How marvelously striking and humbling
Thank you all for sharing your openings and creating a magical space where the perfect gets better
Now we are charged with this love, and we are prepared to share this beauty with all beings
Please let’s join our hands in our heart center and chant one full Om for peace in the world!
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