Americans waste precious energy and spend billions of dollars on quick-fix health schemes. All are intended to get us healthy, but many of the most priceless approaches are simply common sense.
If you truly want to feel better, align with the radiance of summer and heat up your commitment to nurture yourself today.
My “Ten Summer Health Tips” require only a minimum change to your daily life. Follow one, or all ten, and experience more vibrant health, luminous inner beauty and get YOUR LIFE ALIGNED:
1. BREATHE: Practice deep breathing daily. When stress sets in, take long deep breaths in and out of your nose. Observe how dancing with your breath gives you clarity and calm.
2. SEX: Studies suggest that sex can boost your immune system and reduce stress, so delight in some good lovin’. Dr Oz says, “Have as much sex as possible. If a 50-something man could have sex 700 times a year, the exercise and stress reduction would make him look and feel years younger. I wouldn’t recommend quitting your day job in order to hit that number—but what’s the harm in trying?”
3. EXERCISE: Exercise stimulates your brain, makes bones stronger, helps you lose weight, and alleviates many types of chronic pain. Try working up a sweat at least one hour a week. Go for a walk outside, commute on your bike, and commit to your yoga practice daily. You’ll enjoy a range of benefits such as reduced risk of heart attack, better mood, and lower blood pressure.
4. SLEEP: Get a good night’s rest. Lack of sleep, less than six or seven hours, has been associated with increased risks of high blood pressure, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes.
5. CLEANSE: Wash your hands. We all learned it in kindergarten, but sometimes forget that hand washing remains the best prevention against the flu and other communicable diseases.
6. FLOSS: Don’t just brush your teeth, floss and get them thoroughly clean. No matter how well you brush your teeth you’re missing a good portion of the debris lingering in your teeth. Flossing helps eliminates funky breath, receding gums and bone disease.
7. ALCOHOL: Drink less booze, do more Yoga. If you’re having more than a couple drinks a day, then you’re at a higher risk for liver damage. A recent study found that having a drink or two each day is something healthy people can do, but it is not the cause of their good health. Keep your alcohol intake to a minimum. To find a healthy balance between Yoga and Wine (a truly divine way to enjoy life), click here to find out how and where.
8. ORGANIC: Eat organic foods. Invest in your health and our Earth. We all need food to survive, but research has shown that some of what we eat may be killing us. Non-labeled “conventional” foods have been sprayed with pesticides and pesticides do more than kill bugs; they interfere with the delicate balance in the body.
9. HYDRATE: Drink at least 7 to 8 full glasses of water daily. Water removes harmful toxins from your system and helps maintain healthy, flawless skin.
10. MEDITATE: Practice mini meditations throughout your day. Close the door at your office, hold your calls and relax for 3-5 minutes. This transformational practice will give you clarity and calm. Not sure how to meditate? Click here to find out about private meditation sessions.
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